Event details
- Friday | March 24, 2017 to Sunday | March 26, 2017
- All Day
- LAND: Territories of the Attawondaron, Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples. VENUE: Museum London ADDRESS: 421 Ridout Street North, London, ON N6A 5H4 WEBSITE: http://www.museumlondon.ca
- 519-661-0333
Organizing Equality is a major international conference hosted by members of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at Western University, and will take place at Museum London between the 24th and 26th of March 2017.
This conference aims to bring academics, artists and activists together from around the globe to address inequality and to develop new forms of knowing, thinking and acting together to guide future struggles.
We have a dynamic lineup of keynote speakers, including Dr. Vandana Shiva, Glen Coulthard (University of British Columbia), Panagiotis Sotiris (University of the Aegean, Greece), Concerned Student 1950 (University of Missouri), Kate Pickett (University of York, UK), Ann Larson (Rolling Jubilee), Laura Hanna (Strike Debt), Black Lives Matter Toronto, and Miriam Miranda (Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras). Other events include dialogue sessions, workshops, art installations, spoken word performance, radical media teach-ins and more.
For more info, the full schedule and more: http://organizingequality.com